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暖心教師活教學 英文一點都不難



 暖心教師活教學    英文一點都不難-2018最感人工作貢獻獎

在多年充滿歡樂歲月裏,以認真教導且實際直率的態度來教授我所有來自台灣各個地區和外來不同國家地方的多樣性大學生們!在這麼多年高等英語教學裏,每個學期末的學校正式的對各任課老師教學授課評量調查表,我都保持了平均4.2 分的非常好的教學授課得分 (因為最高的授課評量總分是5分),而在這個非常好的我的老師教學授課評量記錄表裏,我已保持著這優秀記錄至今年有18年(總共36學期) 從未變過, 這也是一直以來鼓勵我前進的力量之一!

 暖心教師活教學    英文一點都不難-2018最感人工作貢獻獎


這18年來的教學授課評量優秀記錄保持,對個人本身的平凡無奇來說並非簡單,而它也同時證明了我的英國Surrey University (薩里郡大學) 英語教育學碩士學位的值得重視指標,希望帶給母校和帶給一路幫助我和支持我的所有人們驕傲一刻,而最重要的是希望帶給了自己驕傲的一刻背後裏,自己非常努力認真敬業的付出我熱愛的高等英語教學,因為我從未放棄過自己 (也許我跟別人在外觀上有些許的不一樣),更期望這個享有聲望的最感人工作貢獻獎能為我的高等英語教育教學的學術教育帶來精彩和繼續我多年的高等英語教學生涯!

The Most Moving Work Contribution Award by Miss Tzu Shin F M Wang

My own moto of my academic teaching career since the first day I had started to teach English Language at Higher Education:For the hope and the future of all my students
To help instead of concern,To educate instead of expect.

In 2001, I start my first academic teaching job on my human endeavor to what I am passion able and good at - teach English, at higher education in Da Yeh University where made all teaching and learning splendid.

All those teaching years were fulfilled with joy on earnest instructing to all my students and kept a down-to-earth attitude on teaching all my diversity students from every parts of Taiwan and overseas.

After all these passing teaching years, at the end of every semester, I had kept very good teaching assessments, scored on an average mark of 4.2 out of a total 5 (is the top mark).

It was always a very good encouragement to me on going forward to next semester. And all various students I had taught during these years were more than words can describe, because they were all excellent in their own individual ways with few of interesting learning situations in my real classroom of practical teaching context. Above all, I am a living evidence of teaching excellent through these joyful eighteen academic teaching years with a quiet modesty heart at my professions of all times.

I have made my MA degree of Surrey University (UK) worthy more than words can express. I want to make all of people stand by me, support me pround and most importantly, to make myself pround, because I have never give up on myself. Sincerely, hoping this prestigious award on the most moving work contribution can be my best academic teaching highlight of my Higher Education Teaching and carry on it for many years to come.

一般例行工作:Teaching English to University Students.

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